
Posts Tagged ‘PSU’

Mixed Nuts at Portland State University

The “antifa” are the “fa” (fascists) at Portland State.

The “antifa” are, in fact, the “fa” (fascists) at Portland State.

The “antifa” were out to get us at Portland State University, but the police presence dissuaded personal violence.  They did, however, splash paint on one of our signs (which we cleaned up in just a few minutes).

Still, there were also expressions of support to encourage us.

Leftist “tolerance.”  Leftist pro-abort: “We should abort Christians.”  (Joanna: “Do you want to kill us now?”)  “Well, there are police around, so I can’t really answer that.”

Another peace-loving leftist said, “If the police weren’t here, I would knock you unconscious.”

He gets it.  “It’s a selfish decision. Thank you guys so much did what you’re doing. This is so important for people to hear.”

Demonic. “Do you believe in God?  Do you believe in magic?”  the girls said at they threw demonic dust at us.  “Curses for you,” one said.  Thankfully, throwing things at people is a crime, so the police quickly intervened.

They chose life, not death.  David and his girlfriend considered abortion, but Christian friends encouraged them not to, so they kept their baby boy Rowan.  And they got married!  David is still in school, and the happy couple are expecting a second baby!

See you in hell!  “Do you believe in hell?” said another disciple of tolerance and diversity.  (Joanna:  “Yes.”)  He snarled, “You’re gonna burn in it.”

A victor, not a victim.  A young woman who had been sexually abused spoke her mind. “They love victims here, and they love to keep you a victim.”  When she decided to move past her victim status, they no longer had any use for her.

Join the $quad!  A young man walked up and handed us $100.  “This is a good cause,” he said.  Do you agree?  Click here to join his effort to $upport us.