
Posts Tagged ‘Planned Parenthood’

Keep Planned Parenthood and abortion merchants away from our children

Pro-lifers lawfully demonstrating on public sidewalks and in the air.

Pro-lifers lawfully demonstrating on public sidewalks and in the air.

I attended the parent’s meeting at Sacred Heart last Thursday.  A lot of good information was presented.  The best speaker was Alaynna McCormick, the Hardin Valley Academy student who sparked the controversy by telling her mother what Planned Parenthood was teaching at her school.

So far, the school officials are mum.  If they are getting the message, they aren’t letting on.  They don’t seem to understand that their one-page curriculum is almost irrelevant.  What matters is who is teaching and what they are saying.  And in the age of the internet, what websites are associated with the speaker.  It’s not just about what is said in class; inviting PP and the abortion industry into any school is an endorsement.  I don’t care what the anti-smoking curriculum says, I still wouldn’t get Phillip Morris to present it.

Despite the good work done by all who presented, there are two key points that are not coming through, as yet.  The parents are going to have to make policy makers and citizens alike more aware of two key points.

First, the PP websites contain much more debauchery than was exposed by any of the speakers on Thursday night.  It’s just like trying to explain abortion.  If you sanitize it, people don’t get it.  To effectively rid the schools of PP, they need to be exposed.  And they have published plenty of stuff that would make a sailor turn red.  We just need to buck up and read this filth into the public record, no matter how dirty it makes us feel.  Speakers need to blow up and hold up the pictures that are on PP websites and in their books.  Otherwise, we look like a bunch of prudes.  And it’s not just the description of the acts; it’s the encouragement of our teens to “experiment” and do whatever they feel like doing at the time.

Second, we need to expose the profit angle.  In a previous post, FAB documented the amount of money that PP stands to make off marketing sex to our children.  It is an outrageous conflict of interest, and it needs to be exposed.

Abortion, ObamaCare, and Planned Parenthood: Follow the money.

If nothing changes, ObamaCare, along with aggressive marketing of abortions, will divert billions of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood (PP).  To protect and grow this windfall, PP will aggressively market their “services” to our children under the guise of “wellness education.”  They will hire an army of paid staff to lobby school boards, principals, and teachers for even greater access.  Marketing sex to your children will be a financial dream come true for PP.

To follow the money, connect the dots:

Dot 1.  PP did 305,310 abortions in 2007 (source), at an average cost of $450 (source).  That amounted to $137 million in revenue for PP.

Dot 2.  ObamaCare will drive private health insurance out of business so that Government becomes the only alternative.  (Arguably, based on Pres. Obama’s own words, that’s by design.)  Once Government becomes the sole provider, health care will become a “right” of every citizen.  The courts will rule that denying coverage of abortion (a “legal medical procedure”) amounts to sex discrimination, regardless of any legislation or presidential order to the contrary.

Dot 3.  Once the government is paying for them, abortions will no longer be subject to the limitations of the current “free enterprise” system, where people generally have to pay for their own.  With government paying the bill, the costs will skyrocket.  Today, the going price for a D&C, an invasive medical procedure similar in scope and character to abortion, is $5,472 (source).  In the new environment, PP would no longer accept $450; they would demand and receive $5,472 for every abortion.  This would immediately increase PP’s abortion revenue from $137 million to $1.7 billion (with a b).

Dot 4.  But there’s more.  According to Abby Johnson, formerly a PP abortion clinic director, all PP affiliates will be required to perform abortions by 2013.  PP is pushing affiliates to aggressively sell abortions.  If they are able to grab just half of the entire abortion business, say 650,000 abortions every year, that will mean a total abortion revenue of $3.6 billion (with a b).

Dot 5.  Unlike contract and grant money PP gets from the government, this new money would be paid as “fee for service,” so there would be no strings attached. PP would still hire the same abortion hacks they use now and pay them the same money, so the new money would be all profit.  There is so much government money to be had, PP will dispatch an army of paid professionals to lobby (and even buy?) your school boards, your principals, and your teachers for even greater access to your children.  They’d be foolish not to.  Marketing sex to your children will become a multi-billion dollar windfall for PP.  This is an outrageous conflict of interest.

Oh, and by the way, get ready to pay for PP’s abortion marketing programs; they will be disguised as “wellness” programs and will be paid for by taxpayer-funded contracts and grants.  Think about that as you watch PP latest outrage, “I didn’t spew.”  (Warning: prepare to vomit.)

In summary, with all the new money from ObamaCare, there’s a big profit to be made by marketing (first) sex and (then) abortion to our children. Planned Parenthood wants to use our schools to position themselves as the sex experts and promote normal every kind of promiscuous and deviant behavior. When many of them get pregnant, as they certainly will, PP wants to be first in line for the lucrative business of “terminating” the “mistakes.”  It’s an obvious conflict of interest.  The stakes are high … on one side are PP and billions of our dollars; on the other side are us and our children.

What do they know, and when do they know it? And who is “they,” anyhow?

Unless we know the answers to those key questions, we’re going to waste another generation.

Carol Everett is a great pro-life warrior, and I’ve been privileged to hear her speak a couple of times, but she missed the point when she told an audience at Liberty University, “They know it’s a baby; we’ve won that argument; they just don’t care.” Based on my experience on campus, I was taken aback, because college students want to debate that point more than any other.

When I asked, “Who is ‘they?’” she began to talk about the Texas State Legislature. She might be right about lawmakers, but I can tell you that all the politicians in Austin aren’t nearly as important as a generation of teenagers and college students who are streaming into abortion clinics. They rationalize their abortions because they naively believe their children to be “blobs of tissue” and “parasites.” The abortion industry knows they are uninformed and are all too willing to exploit their youth and ignorance.

As an example of profound teen ignorance, I am reminded of the Rutgers University student who staggered backward, as her knees gave way, when I pulled out a medical textbook and showed her a diagram of a 9-week fetus, complete with fingers and toes. Unlike Texas lawmakers, she didn’t know until I showed her. And unlike so many politicians, she still had a functioning conscience.

It is true that pro-abortion arguments have morphed over the years. Forty years ago, they said, “The embryo/fetus is not a baby nor a human being.” That argument could not withstand basic medical facts, so their argument had to change. Then they said, “OK, it’s a human being, but it’s not a person.” When that position also could not be defended, we began to hear yet another theme. They said, “OK, it’s a person, but the mother’s right to autonomy supersedes the baby’s right to life.” That’s where we are now, hence you can be convicted of murder (i.e., killing a person) if you kill a preborn child, but you can legally abort that same child if you are the mother.

Yes, the more sophisticated pro-aborts have kept up with all of this so they know it’s a baby, but most teenagers and young adults don’t know. The abortion clinics understand this. If a young girl calls a clinic and asks, “Is it a baby?” the clinic doesn’t say, “Yes, dear, it’s a human being with rights of personhood, but we believe that your right of autonomy gives you the right to kill your baby.” No, the abortion clinic says, “Of course it’s not a baby, it’s just a blob of tissue; think about a shrimp with appendages.” (We know they say this, because we called.)

In the annual Roe v Wade issue of World Magazine, Georgette Forney, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, commented that “We’ve won the battle that it’s a baby,” crediting embryoscopy and 4-D ultrasounds that show the life in the womb (Red zone defense, World Magazine, Jan 29, 2011). Again, I love Ms. Forney and the great work she is doing on behalf of babies and moms, but she wrong to say “we’ve won the battle that it’s a baby.”

Yes, many older people, especially those who have sought healing for abortion, might now understand. But most teenagers and college students have not seen the embryoscopy nor the ultrasounds. That won’t happen until later, when they conceive their wanted children and when (hopefully) they’ve grown up a bit. Until then, they are just as susceptible to abortion industry lies as were their mothers. Unless we show them the truth sooner, they will continue to have abortions. We will eventually “win” the argument with many of them, but what good is winning an argument 10 years too late?

Planned Parenthood at Hardin Valley Academy – WATE 6 News report

WATE 6 News covers Planned Parenthood gaining access to students at Hardin Valley High. First of all, it is inappropriate to allow abortion industry representatives to come in and advertise their “services.” Second, it is critical to understand the vile nature of the materials that appear on PP websites, the details of which would likely never be shown on TV.


Overall, the report glosses over the PP websites and other material directed at teens.  Not addressed at all are the encouragments for teens to engage in behavior that is depraved and/or dangerous.  We have to do a better job of forcing people to understand the depravity of PP materials.  For example, see the “I didn’t spew” video on the TakeCareDownThere.org website, which is a PP website directed at teens.  Following is a synopsis.  The video itself is so vile, it would surely be rejected by YouTube, so I just performed a few screen captures.

No Planned Parenthood in Knox County Schools

Lisa Morris of ProCET

Lisa Morris of ProCET

Below is a statement from Lisa Morris of the Pro Life Coalition of East Tennessee (ProCET).  Note meeting on January 27.

Planned Parenthood has been given access to Knox County students, and at least one presentation has been done without parental knowledge or consent.  Beyond the fact that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, their “wellness education” includes elements that many parents would consider unacceptable, if not pornographic. We have attached a flyer with excerpts from their Teen Wire website as well as a link to video selections from their “Take Care Down There” website.  [FAB note: If you want to see the depravity of PP materials, go to www.TakeCareDownThere.org and watch the “I didn’t spew” video.]

We are asking for every concerned leader and parent to take a clear and immediate stand against this effort to corrupt our students and degrade the gift of human sexuality with their unacceptable materials.

Please attend an informational meeting:

January 27, 2011
6:30- 8:00PM
The Chancery Office
805 Northshore Drive, SW
Knoxville, TN 37919

We will present additional information on Planned Parenthood’s agenda and history along with our strategy for action to remove Planned Parenthood and any of their endorsed materials from our schools. Our unity in this effort will be critical for success, so please share this information with other concerned friends and family and invite them to join you for this important meeting.

In addition please call or write Governor-Elect Haslam, 615.254.4799, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. McIntyre, 865-594-1620, and Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett, 865-215-2005, to express your outrage.

Here are some additional points you may want to include:

  • Planned Parenthood has already presented their materials to students at Hardin Valley Academy without parental knowledge or consent.
  • Planned Parenthood is the world’s biggest abortion provider; their graphic websites target teens with obscene material that encourages risky sexual behavior and they are under investigation in a number of states for violations of state laws regarding mandatory reporting laws for sexual abuse of minors.
  • Please remove Planned Parenthood from the list of approved guest speakers in our schools.

For any questions or to request digital copies of this material, contact Lisa Morris, 865-567-1245.

Please feel free to copy and distribute this information.

Note:  Keep up with the latest on the No Planned Parenthood-Knox County Schools Facebook page.

Contraception no deterrent to abortion

They always tell us that if we really wanted to stop abortion, we would just hand out condoms.  We know it’s foolish, but now Planned Parenthood’s own report proves it.  According to the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, “54% of women who have abortions had used a constraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant.”  Over half say they used their method inconsistently, and about 13-14% report correct use.

We already knew this, but now we have their own data to prove it.  Next time a pro-abort suggests that I hand out condoms instead of exposing truth, I will simply say, “Most abortion mothers say they used contraception during the month they got pregnant, but they got pregnant anyway.  They had contraceptives in their possession, and they either chose not to use them consistently or the method failed to work.  So how will it help stop abortions for me to give someone another condom if they won’t use the ones they already possess?

The student will scoff at the notion that aborting mothers were using contraceptions, because in their minds, contraceptives are 100% effective.  I will give them more rope by asking, “Are you really sure you want to challenge that?  Do you really want to say that I made it up?”  In a debate, you always want to use the data already reported by your opposition; they have no choice but to accept its authenticity.

Then I”ll whip out a copy of the Guttmacher fact sheet and say, “I ask again, why should I waste my time giving out birth control that people won’t use or won’t work effectively?”

Abortion photos save three more babies and moms

Choice signs outside Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

Choice signs outside Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

Got this message from Mary Jost, Director of the Focus Pregnancy Help Center in Rochester, NY:

I am the director of Focus Pregnancy Help Center in Rochester, NY.  We are two doors down from Planned Parenthood.  A small remnant of us go and protest in front of their place with your graphic pictures.  Girls have come up to us and said they changed their minds because they saw your graphic images.  I am convinced that showing the pictures is extremely effective in saving babies lives.

Last week, three girls carried their babies to term because they saw the graphic pictures.

Komen for the Cure Donated $730K to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in 2009


LifeNews.com is reporting that the The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation donated $730,000 to Planned Parenthood in 2009.  (Click here for story.)

Myths, lies, and statistics at Planned Parenthood

From the Washington Times, an interesting exposé of the myths and lies being propagated by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood has been aggressive in marketing the oft-quoted notion that abortion is only 3 percent of what it does.

Pencils ready?  Planned Parenthood arrives at 3 percent by dividing its total number of abortions by its total number of “services.”  For 2008, that would be 324,008 divided by 10,940,609.

To illustrate the absurdity of such a statistic, note that if Planned Parenthood hands out 97 condoms, it could count that as 97 “services.” Then it does three abortions and claims that, because it also handed out 97 condoms, abortion is 3 percent of its business. This statistic is specifically designed to lead the American people and the legislators who continue to give government money to Planned Parenthood to believe that a very small portion of Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion-related.

Click here to see the entire article.

One of the authors of this piece is Katie Walker.  While at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) in 2006, Katie’s Northern Right to Life group made international news when one of the NKU professors vandalized their “Crosses for the Unborn” display.  Katie has often been an invited speaker at our annual Student Leadership Conference.

Added on September 24, 2011:

A commenter questioned whether PP is suggesting that a 13-yr-old might be ready for sex if … , as opposed to an older child. Facts to consider:

  1. The text in question has been captured and is presented below.
  2. The URL is http://www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/sex-masturbation/am-ready-sex-33826.htm. Note the words “info-for-teens” as part of the URL.
  3. I accessed the link by first typing in the URL, www.teenwire.com, which is a URL that PP regularly gives out as a source of information for teenagers.
  4. A 13-yr-old child is a teenager.

Combine this with everything else being thrown at children from the media, the entertainment industry, etc., that’s more than enough encouragement for a couple of 13-yr-old children to start having sex.  All it takes is one to push for it and another to consent.

from http://www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/sex-masturbation/am-ready-sex-33826.htm

Text extracted from http://www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/sex-masturbation/am-ready-sex-33826.htm.

Is the Tea Party Pro Life?

Jill Stanek has an interesting op-ed piece in the World Net Daily that you should read.  She addresses the pro-life aspects of the new GOP Pledge to America and the emergence of a number of pro-life Tea Party candidates in key Senate races.

I’m sure that there will be many people disappointed that the GOP Pledge says little about abortion, but Stanek points out that it actually says more than it’s predecessor, the 1994 Contract with America.

Although the new Pledge is no pro-life manifesto, it does have the effect of saving babies by removing some of the funding that pays for the killing.  We should bear in mind that defunding Planned Parenthood in New Jersey has already caused at least one abortion clinic to close down.

Furthermore, it has been reported, the GOP Pledge also promises to defund and repeal ObamaCare.  That’s big because ObamaCare is the most aggressive baby-killing legislation perhaps ever to pass Congress.

Some pro-lifers lament the fact that although the Tea Party is emerging as a conservative force in the Republican party, the Tea Party says nothing about abortion.  We should remember that words are important, but deeds are also important.

As it turns out, five GOP tea party-backed U.S. Senate candidates are pro-life with no exceptions: Sharron Angle of Nevada, Ken Buck of Colorado, Joe Miller of Alaska, Christine O’Donnell of Delaware and Rand Paul of Kentucky.

You think that’s not big?  Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards thinks it is, hence her frantic email alert Monday calling this development, “not just crazy – truly frightening.”

Non tea-party candidates Carly Fiorina of California and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire are also reported to be pro-life.  That’s big because right now, all 17 female senators are pro-abortion, including the four Republicans.

Yes, we still have a long way to go.  The work of protecting every unborn child will not be finished overnight.  But until that day comes, my rule is this: if the pro-aborts don’t like it, it must be good.

Pro Life Advocates Attend Freedom Ride

CBR Board Member Rev. Clenard Childress.

CBR Board Member Rev. Clenard Childress addresses the crowd.

 A number of CBR volunteers attended the Freedom Ride that started in Birmingham and ended in Atlanta on Saturday, July 24.  The event was organized by CBR board member Fr. Frank Pavone.

The TV coverage by the CBS affiliate in Birmingham was actually very well done.  Several women appeared on camera to express regret for their abortions and describe how they were deceived by the abortion industry.

Pastor Cecil Clark of True Vine Baptist Church in Knoxville was interviewed for that story (video below).  He appears at about the 1-minute mark.

More coverage by Fox News, the Birmingham News, and the National Catholic Register.

Question for you:  What kind of effect will demonstrations such as this have on the larger culture?  Please comment below!


Pro Life in Knoxville | Witness against Planned Parenthood

"Choice" signs on display.

"Choice" signs on display at Market Square.

Last week, the Pro-Life Coalition of East Tennessee (ProCET) organized a protest at a Planned Parenthood (PP) fundraiser in Knoxville.  About 30 people came to peacefully witness against baby killing.

The Tomato Head restaurant was closed to everyone but PP, and probably 20 or 30 people attended their event.  It was mostly an older crowd.  Our ProCET group was much more diverse, ranging in age from 7  to 70.

A few of us held the CBR “Choice” signs, and passersby studied them very intently.  Several people thanked us for being there, which we appreciated.

One man, probably in his mid to late 30’s, told us that many years ago he had gotten a girl pregnant.  She had aborted without his consent.   It was devastating; he even ended up on the streets for a while.  He still misses that child.  He said he was grateful for our presence and he and his friend encouraged us to “Keep it up!”

Protesting Planned Parenthood at Market Square

Protesting Planned Parenthood at Market Square

We are very grateful to Paul Simoneau and Lisa Morris of ProCET for organizing this and many other pro-life efforts in Knoxville.

What do you think?  Please comment!

Pro Life Knoxville | 40 Days for Life at Cherry Street Abortion Clinic

40 Days for Life at Cherry Street Abortion Clinic

40 Days for Life at Cherry Street Abortion Clinic

Been wanting to do something about abortion in Knoxville?  Believe in the power of prayer?  Got an hour?  If so, then I’ve got a deal for you!  Pro-lifers from all over Knoxville are praying at the new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic every Friday, and they want you to come and stand with them.  The new clinic is on Cherry Street, just a few blocks south of I-40.  It’s easy to help:

  1. Click here.
  2. Sign in with your name and phone number.  It’s easy.
  3. Pick an hour and sign up.
  4. Show up.  Parking is available just across the street at Trinity Tabernacle Church of God, 2615 Washington Avenue.

 I’ve heard it said that 80% of life is just showing up.  If you’ve never been a part of pro-life activism, this is an easy way to get started!  Here’s the link: www.40daysknoxville.com/vigil/

A warning for parents of Girl Scouts

Chuck Colson exposes Planned Parenthood ties to the Girl Scouts in this online article.

There is nothing too depraved for Planned Parenthood.  Their sex guide for girls, Healthy, Happy, and Hot, teaches “there is no right way or wrong way to have sex.  Just have fun, explore and be yourself.”

It also tells girls that “some people have sex when they have been drinking alcohol or using drugs. This is your choice.”  Clearly, nothing is off limits—even for children below the age of consent.

You should also go to one of their websites, www.takecaredownthere.org, and see for yourself what Planned Parenthood encourages teens to do with each other.  Check out the video clip “I didn’t spew.”  It’s pretty gross.

This should be enough to convince any Christian parent to seek an alternative.  To help us combat Planned Parenthoods demonic agenda, please click here.

Knoxville City of Life Declaration

Neighborhood residents sign the Declaration and volunteer for the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.

Neighborhood residents sign the Declaration and volunteer for the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.

People who attended the ProCET Rally for Life in East Knoxville were asked to sign the City of Life Declaration that is being circulated by Matthew Parsons.  Parsons said that “the Declaration has been designed to bring people together for the common goal of making Knoxville a city where not only life, but abundant life can be achieved regardless of one’s race, class, or even one’s status as born or unborn.”  The text of the Declaration is as follows:

We, the citizens and leaders of the Knoxville community, stand together in unity to oppose the presence of Planned Parenthood and the other abortion providers in our city.  We commit to defend and promote a city of life.  Today, we say to abortion providers, “Not in this Community … Not in any Community.”