
Mixed Nuts at Tennessee Tech University

Abortion photos spark reactions at Tennessee Tech.  Without pictures, abortion is easy to ignore.

There were some weird reactions to the abortion pictures at Tennessee Tech, but there were also some good ones.

Not much of an evangelist.  Dillon said, “I’m a Christian and I believe child killing is wrong, but I believe it is wrong for me to tell anyone what they should believe.”  (Dillon must have forgotten that part in the Bible where it says to stand against child sacrifice.)

Rephrasing the question.  “I’m a Christian and I believe abortion is wrong, but if we outlawed this option what options would we have to offer?” Trevor asked.  Tony told him, “The option you are talking about keeping in place is child killing, so do you believe we should keep child killing legal?”  Answer: “Well if you say it that way, ‘No.’”  (We do say it that way.)

What kind of Bible study if he running?  “I’m a Christian and I do Bible studies but I believe abortion should be legal.”  (We wonder what Bible he is studying.)

Understanding the gravity.  Andrew said, “I was raised pro-life and have never wavered.  But I never understood the gravity of the act until I saw your pictures.  I cannot let this go.  These pictures make my beliefs more real and more heart-breaking.”

International support.  “Thanks for what you are doing,” Truedor from Napal said.

Evil begets more evil.  “I was sexually abused since the time I was 4, and if it weren’t for abortion, I would not be here.”

Can we undo what God has done?  Bassom from Egypt said, “I agree with you; abortion is wrong.  But what if the child is severely ill?”   CBR volunteer Tony replied, “Do you believe in God?”  Bassom: “Yes.”  Tony: “Well if God is the giver of life and He is the one that opens and closes the womb, then should we kill what he gives?”  Bassom: “No.”

A rather peculiar girl.  “The UN doesn’t specifically say that abortion is genocide so it cannot be genocide…  It is OK to kill babies up to 4 months if the mother cannot handle the baby or if the baby has become a financial burden. … ALL babies should be aborted to reduce the world population to nothing.”

Bill Boyer asked her if she was will to sign up for the depopulation suicide squad.  To that she had to pause and think.  She finally mused, “I’d rather be dead than in school.”  But then she said, “I’m studying medicine so that I can work for Planned Parenthood one day. I enjoy killing babies.”

She might need a psych evaluation before she starts her medical career.  More than that, she needs our prayers.

Perspectives of the abused.  An older man came to the child abuse picture and just stopped to look.  He told Mik’aela that he had been abused by 3 different people. “But to abuse a child who can’t even run away or anything is the worst.  Thank you for being here.”

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