
Mixed Nuts at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Our first visit to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) was eye-opening. One would hope that on a Christian campus there would be more students and professors who were encouraging than unsupportive. That was not the case at SEBTS. Folks, we are losing the abortion war in the Church, in large part because our Christian colleges and seminaries are graduating pro-abortion students. However, not all hope is lost. Mixed in with the ugly, we saw glimmers of God’s grace at SEBTS.

Seminary students see how abortion grieves the heart of God.

“Babies go to heaven anyway.” Joanna was taken aback by this student’s comments, but started asking questions, hoping for a meaningful conversation. At the end, he said he appreciated her and felt like, “God was speaking to me through you.”

Save a child’s life by ending it? Logic and reasoning are not a strong point amongst today’s college students. Regardless of whether it is a secular campus or a Christian one, students argue that children should be aborted in the womb because they “will die anyway from a hard life.” CBR Staffer Mik’aela Raymond was ready when one student made such a bold presumption: “We don’t believe in killing children so that they won’t die.”

Mom mystery. A mom walked up with her elementary school aged child and began showing her daughter the photos. We were sure she was on our side and wanted her daughter to know the truth of abortion. But in fact, “I used to be pro-life until I grew up and got smarter. I’ve had an abortion. I know friends who wish they had aborted their disabled child.” We need to be praying for this mom and her young family.

Women need to see before it’s too late. “I had two abortions without seeing pictures in the womb. I was on my way to abort my 3rd but decided to have my son.” CBR Staffer Joanna asked her if these pictures would have stopped her from aborting her first two children. “Probably,” she said.

So much for “love your neighbor.” On our second day a man approached and yelled, “You people are what is wrong with the world. Someone needs to punch you all in the face.”

“Scripture is enough; people don’t need these graphic pictures.” After talking about the history of social reform and Christians continuing to have abortions in spite of pastors who talk about abortion, CBR volunteer Laurice encouraged the man who claimed this to show the truth in conjunction with his preaching, so lives would be saved. He softened and walked away, saying he would do his research.

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