
Mixed Nuts at Liberty University

Jackie Hawkins at Liberty UMany are surprised to learn that we are unwelcome at Christian colleges and universities, where we are often denounced by students and faculty alike.  Here are some of the more disappointing comments from our recent trips to Liberty University. 

Inconvenient maybe, but not inappropriate.  A Liberty student told CBR staff member Joanna Keilson, “How long are you going to be here?  This is inappropriate.  You’re showing pictures of dead babies.  This is a Christian campus.”  This student can ignore God’s admonition to do oppose injustice, but he can never again say that he didn’t know.

How did you come to that conclusion?  Jacob had many questions, but was sure about one thing.  “Oh, I support abortion.  I don’t think we know when life begins.”  The biology books in your library say something very different.  So does Matthew 1:18-23, where God tells us that the life of Jesus Messiah began when Jesus was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit.

Where is that in the Bible?  “You know what my favorite Bible verse is? The one that says to love your neighbor and like, not shove things down their throat.”  Hopefully, they’ll let him take Bible 101 again …

Ignorance is bliss.  CBR staffer Fletcher Armstrong asked a passing student what he thought about abortion.  The student replied, “I’m not educated enough to know.”  So Fletcher offered him one of our informational leaflets.  The student turned it down.

What’s political about child sacrifice?  One student refused to speak with us because he doesn’t “get into politics.”

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