
Gems at the University of Tennessee Knoxville

We must expose the truth despite all opposition.  Otherwise babies will die and we will share the guilt.

With our double feature at University of Tennessee Knoxville, we picked up several gems. Here are the best and brightest!

No value for life, even his own.  He had attempted suicide 3 times.  He didn’t value his own life, so he obviously wasn’t going to value preborn children.  But CBR volunteer Laurice Baddour shared the Gospel with him and showed him nothing but patience and kindness.  Two of his friends came back later to thank Laurice for giving their friend a life-affirming message of hope.  Pray that he will take it to heart.

A Jewish Christian gets the picture.  Josiah, a junior from Israel, said, “It makes me really sad to see [the pictures].  Don’t stop doing this.  People need to see it.”

Shoved off the fence.  “I’m more on your side; you’re doing a good job of convincing me!”  Kai, an Air Force veteran had heard pro-life arguments, but he wanted to remain neutral.  Seeing the pictures made that hard to do.

Sentient cows and dependent college students.  Dan agreed that humanity must be the criterion that matters.  Sentience can’t be relevant, he said, because “even a cow has sentience.”  He started by arguing that children could be killed up until birth because they are dependent.  But then he acknowledged “I guess that they are still dependent after birth.”  We reminded him that college students are also dependent.  He finally admitted, “I have a lot to think about; I may have to reconsider.”

Thank you!  Thank you for standing up to bullies with your $upportYour $upport makes all of this possible. Without your help, we can do nothing and the bullies win!

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