
Archive for the ‘Pro Life in America’ Category

CNN poll: Most Americans still extremists on abortion (i.e., pro-life)

side hands on dime

Pictures of abortion help voters see that being pro-life is not extremism; killing babies is extremism.

A new CNN poll finds that 52% of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstaces, whereas 44% want abortion legal in all or most circumstances.

We are all incredulous that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and other media organs of the pro-abortion Democrat party can still get by with marginalizing pro-lifers (52% of the American public) as being the “extremists” on abortion.  That they can do it with a straight face is beyond belief.

Link to the CNN report here.  Pay attention to Questions 10 and 11 on page 13.

Trend line is not good.  Note that the nominal pro-life position (abortion illegal in all circumstances or legal in only a few circumstances) has declined from 64% in 2006 to the 52% in the current poll.

One caveat: The pro-life questions were included in a larger poll relating to the coming elections.  This could bias the results, but I’m not sure which way.

Some pro-life outlets have presented a bit more rosy picture of this poll, reporting on another question that combined “legal under most circumstances” and “legal in a few circumstances” into a non-descript “legal under certain circumstances” category that boths sides try to claim as their own.

Urgent video message from Fr. Frank Pavone

Fr. Frank Pavone just issued this urgent video message about our Key States Initiative (KSI), which aims to educate voters in key states for the upcoming elections.  You don’t need a special license to drive; anybody can do it.  Fr. Pavone says:

We want to elect public servants who know the difference between serving the public and killing the public.

To volunteer for KSI, click here.  Here’s Fr. Pavone:


Planned Parenthood acts boldly against institutional hypocrisy, fires peon

In a bold move to stamp out institutional hypocrisy, Planned Parenthood (PP) has fired Rebecca, an entry-level counselor in Texas … because she couldn’t implement — or did implement, we can’t figure out which — PP’s self-contradictory policy on sex-selection abortions.  It’s confusing, because it is apparently PP policy to condemn, support, and be nonjudgmental on sex-selection abortions, all at the same time!

At any rate, the counselor offered PP’s services to perform the abortion, an abortion it is their policy to peform, yet they fired her for it.  Confused yet?

In a related matter, PP Executive Director Cecile Richards, despite having a full staff and plenty of time to prepare a thoughtful statement, couldn’t even explain the policy, at least not coherently.  But she gets to keep her $400,000/yr job.

Here’s what PP has said about the sex-selection abortions that they themselves commit and profit from:

  • PP: “Planned Parenthood condemns sex selection [abortions].” (source)
  • PP: “We oppose sex selection abortion.” (source)
  • PP “strongly opposes” limits on sex selection abortion.  Specifically, PP opposes HR 3541, which would prevent sex-selection abortions, because it “will have the result of further shaming and stigmatizing women” who would use abortion to kill their female offspring. (source)  [Note: It would be awful for PP to “shame and stigmatize” an act that PP profits from but claims to “condemn.”]
  • PP provides “nonjudgmental” reproductive health care (i.e., abortions), apparently including sex-selection abortions that PP claims to condemn. (source)
  • “No Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions.” (story by leftist website Huffington Post, summarizing statement by a PP spokesperson)

How does PP “condemn” a practice that they themselves commit and profit from as a matter of policy?  And how do they “condemn” the practice in a “nonjudgmental” way? … You can’t make this stuff up!

There are many ways to combat injustice, and each can be important because each can reach a different audience.  At CBR … that’s my day job … we expose abortion using pictures.  At Live Action, they expose the abortion industry’s war on women.  Over and over again, PP has been caught on tape aiding and abetting the sexual abuse of minor children and even sex trafficking.

Earlier this week, Live Action released a video in which a PP counselor in Texas was confronted with a Live Action operative posing as a woman seeking to kill her child … if it were a girl.  She wanted a boy.  True to PP policy, the counselor provided “nonjudgmental” counseling and offered PP’s assistance if she found out later that she was pregnant with an unwanted female child.

As soon as Live Action released the video, PP fired the counselor involved.  But of course, PP couldn’t explain what policy she violated.  She told the client the same things that PP has said publicly … that PP will abortion your child in a “nonjudgmental” way.  Perhaps the only way PP can deal with institutional hypocrisy is to fire the poor menial at the bottom of the org chart.

Efforts like Live Action’s ProtectOurGirls.com are important because they expose the deep chasm between the American people, who want abortion to be legal only in certain circumstances, and Planned Parenthood, who makes huge profits when abortion is unlimited and is subsidized by your dollars (follow the money).

Here is the first video report from Live Action:

CBR Genetic Genocide Sign Final - Gender - 475


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