
Are we the extremists?

Kennesaw State University students are always ready for a discussion. We had huge talkative crowds on both days of GAP.
The choice to kill. One student was adamant, “The mother should get to choose whether to kill her child.” He admitted abortion kills a “child.” Volunteer Brad asked if she should be able to choose whether to kill her toddler. He responded, shocking everyone, “The mother should get to choose whether to kill her one-year old!”
Brad escalated, “What if the child is 20 years old and this tall?” as he raised his hand to the student’s height. He walked away, muttering to himself.
Emboldening and Equipping. GAP often attracts pro-life students who want to be a witness. Stephen stood with us for hours talking with his classmates. Armed with undeniable truth, he was formidable. By the end of the day, he was a pro!
A history major encouraged us, “I speak up in philosophy class against abortion and the class gets quiet…But I’m not as bold as you guys are.”
A freshman said, “These pictures make me more informed.”
Many others thanked us. Some helped us. These pro-life students feel so isolated and overwhelmed by the non-stop woke evil around them. Seeing GAP on campus is a welcome change of pace.
Who are the extremists?  The Cobb County Courier called us “extremists” who make “false use of images.”  CBR-SE Director Fletcher Armstrong responded, “You called us ‘extremist.’  Maybe you’re right, but you will have to explain why it’s OK to decapitate and dismember a little human being, but ‘extreme’ to show a picture of it.”  To read Fletcher’s Letter to the Editor in full, click here.

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