
Posts Tagged ‘Townhall’

TownHall: The Taste of Crow, and Other Random Thoughts

In case you missed it, I posted an op-ed piece in TownHall soon after the historic Trump election win.  It is all still relevant.

The Taste of Crow, and Other Random Thoughts

I was wrong.  Surely Republicans would never nominate Donald Trump for President. Because surely he had no chance of winning. But they did, he did, and crow never tasted so good!

Uneducated racists. When they voted Democrat, they were “blue collar working men.” When they vote Republican, they are “non-college-educated white men.” In other words, uneducated, racist, bitter clingers.

Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Trump showed Republicans they need no longer fear the media hacks and their mockery, dishonesty, and hypocrisy. Trump pushed back. Hard. He wasn’t afraid to speak his mind and call the media out for being the crooked liars they are. They cranked up their attack machine, but it didn’t work. Let’s hope conservatives have learned their lesson and never forget it.

We’ll show you! In 2008, John McCain won Missouri by only 0.1%. But …

[Link to entire article here.]  Please share it to your Facebook page!

In the abortion debate, the facts matter


The MM-50 will decide who wins and who loses.

Check out my article at Townhall.com, In the Abortion Debate, the Facts Matter.

There is a place to rate the article, so please let Townhall know what you think.  Look for the graphic just below the Townhall article and sound off!  Leave comments, too.

The column answers the standard arguments against abortion victim photos (AVPs).

To see what I mean by the MM-50, see the graphic at upper right.  As a movement, we give way too much weight to the opinions of (a) our friends, e.g., the pro-lifers who like our stuff on Facebook, and (b) our opponents, i.e., the people who hate us no matter what we do or say.

We should pay more attention to the MM-50, because they ultimately decide who wins and who loses.  They don’t come to our debates, watch our videos, read our essays, or anything else.  For these millions of ignorant and apathetic people, we have only 3 seconds to tell our story and prove it, before they figure out who we are and look away.  Only pictures can prove our case in 3 seconds or less.

Don’t forget to rate the article! Also, please share it on social media.