
Posts Tagged ‘Tennessee Tech University’

Mixed Nuts at Tennessee Tech University

Abortion photos spark reactions at Tennessee Tech.  Without pictures, abortion is easy to ignore.

There were some weird reactions to the abortion pictures at Tennessee Tech, but there were also some good ones.

Not much of an evangelist.  Dillon said, “I’m a Christian and I believe child killing is wrong, but I believe it is wrong for me to tell anyone what they should believe.”  (Dillon must have forgotten that part in the Bible where it says to stand against child sacrifice.)

Rephrasing the question.  “I’m a Christian and I believe abortion is wrong, but if we outlawed this option what options would we have to offer?” Trevor asked.  Tony told him, “The option you are talking about keeping in place is child killing, so do you believe we should keep child killing legal?”  Answer: “Well if you say it that way, ‘No.’”  (We do say it that way.)

What kind of Bible study if he running?  “I’m a Christian and I do Bible studies but I believe abortion should be legal.”  (We wonder what Bible he is studying.)

Understanding the gravity.  Andrew said, “I was raised pro-life and have never wavered.  But I never understood the gravity of the act until I saw your pictures.  I cannot let this go.  These pictures make my beliefs more real and more heart-breaking.”

International support.  “Thanks for what you are doing,” Truedor from Napal said.

Evil begets more evil.  “I was sexually abused since the time I was 4, and if it weren’t for abortion, I would not be here.”

Can we undo what God has done?  Bassom from Egypt said, “I agree with you; abortion is wrong.  But what if the child is severely ill?”   CBR volunteer Tony replied, “Do you believe in God?”  Bassom: “Yes.”  Tony: “Well if God is the giver of life and He is the one that opens and closes the womb, then should we kill what he gives?”  Bassom: “No.”

A rather peculiar girl.  “The UN doesn’t specifically say that abortion is genocide so it cannot be genocide…  It is OK to kill babies up to 4 months if the mother cannot handle the baby or if the baby has become a financial burden. … ALL babies should be aborted to reduce the world population to nothing.”

Bill Boyer asked her if she was will to sign up for the depopulation suicide squad.  To that she had to pause and think.  She finally mused, “I’d rather be dead than in school.”  But then she said, “I’m studying medicine so that I can work for Planned Parenthood one day. I enjoy killing babies.”

She might need a psych evaluation before she starts her medical career.  More than that, she needs our prayers.

Perspectives of the abused.  An older man came to the child abuse picture and just stopped to look.  He told Mik’aela that he had been abused by 3 different people. “But to abuse a child who can’t even run away or anything is the worst.  Thank you for being here.”

Pro-Life on Campus at Tennessee Tech University

The Genocide Awareness Project returned to Tennessee Tech University.

The Genocide Awareness Project returned to Tennessee Tech University.

CBR brought the Genocide Awareness Project back to Tennessee Tech University (TTU) in September.  TTU was a quiet school, with a rating of only 1 out of 10 moonbats.

Not many moonbats in Tennessee.  What can we say?  This has two beneficial effects.  First, we don’t get beat up as much.  Second, students vulnerable to moonbatism … Is moonbatism a word? … Anyway, by staying calm, they have a better chance to see the signs and reflect on their meaning.

This was our third trip to TTU. We went in 2013 with Choice signs and 2015 with a full GAP display.

Reaching out to pro-aborts on campus

Engaging the pro-aborts, because they are people with minds.

Engaging the pro-aborts at GAP, because we respect the dignity of every human person.

by Jacqueline Hawkins

They curse.  They celebrate baby-killing.  Some would say they bask in the glow of the fires of Hell in a self-righteous orgy.  But they are still human beings — still people made in the image and likeness of God.  They deserve respect and intellectual engagement.  We keep this in mind when we talk to pro-abort demonstrators at GAP.

Volunteer Marie Bastone approached the die-hard pro-aborts at Tennessee Tech University.  One of them that her church taught about the inherent human dignity of every individual.  Marie readily agreed.  Given they co-ed’s particular schooling in the faith, they had common ground!

On that note, Marie gently spoke to her and her friends about the humanity of the preborn child, hence their inherent human dignity that no one can bestow or revoke because it is inherent.  They didn’t seem to know what to say.  They had been intellectually engaged as equals and couldn’t find a flaw in Marie’s logic.  To top it all off, to show them that they weren’t just a bunch of (poor) arguments with pants on, but actual people with value, Marie asked each of them what they were studying.  By the time Marie left, they clearly saw her respect.  They were quieter and calmer.  And they were thinking.

Marie engaged a pro-abort woman who asked if the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) aimed to make abortion illegal.  To that Marie replied that laws reflect society’s values, as well as shapes them.  Legality is not necessarily morality, as the history of human slavery demonstrates.  Marie explained that GAP was to make abortion unthinkable by showing the results of abortion.  GAP was pointing out the violence against the innocent and asked if we as a society can find a more humane and just way of dealing with unwanted pregnancies.  The young woman questioned Marie for a very long time, trying to make a case for the necessary evil of legal abortion, though she did admit it was horrible.  Marie remained polite, respectful and focused, asking what could possible justify the evil that abortion is.  In the end, the young woman told Marie that she had not expected her to be “so rational and approachable”.

Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.

Bridging the cultural divide

Cultural perspectives

Lincoln Brandenburg crosses the cultural divide to deliver a basic truth about human rights.

by Jacqueline Hawkins

One of the intriguing aspects of GAP is speaking with students from foreign lands.  Few have seen free speech like we do it.  When we brought GAP to Tennessee Tech University, our team spoke with several students from the Middle East.

CBR staffer Lincoln Brandenburg saw a young Middle Eastern man staring at the GAP signs, so he walked over and asked what the man thought.  Lincoln pointed to the pictures and asked, “Is it moral to have a child decapitated and dismembered like this?”

The young man didn’t think abortion was a good thing but emphasized that “it should still be the woman’s choice; we can’t force her not to.”  To him, it was a simple matter of not violating the rights of others, whether of not we agree with their decisions.

Lincoln and the young man discussed the humanity of the pre-born child and it’s implications.  Brandenburg pointed out that laws against hiring a hitman to kill one’s bothersome spouse also a man’s “rights.”  But such actions are innately at odds with the foundational right, and that is the right to live.  Without that basic human right, all other rights are meaningless.

If, as science confirms, the preborn child is human in the same way that her mother is human, then doesn’t decapitating and dismembering her violate her human rights?

As the men spoke, Lincoln frequently pointed back to the pictures of the abortion victims.  Before heading to class, the student shook his hand and told him: “You’ve really made me change my mind.  I realize that there’s more to this issue than I originally thought.”

Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.

“A clump of cells?!”

With our prenatal development GAP sign, we show how a “clump of cells” is endowed with arms and legs and fingers and toes.  Some “clump of cells.”

by Kendra Wright

At Tennessee Tech, a Middle Eastern student told me that he is Muslim and in his country, killing the unborn is just like killing a born person.  But he knew very little about abortion.

He was very shocked to hear that 1.2 million die every year in this country from abortion.

He asked why people get abortions and if “not wanting” the child is a frequent justification.  I confirmed that this is often the case.

I started explaining the difference between a wanted child and an unwanted child.  If a child is wanted, we call it a baby.  If it is unwanted, we call it a clump of cells.

He was shocked.  “A clump of cells?!”

He could see right away that a baby is not just a clump of cells and calling it such is ridiculous.

Kendra Wright is a CBR project director and a regular FAB contributor.

Where would you go if you weren’t ready for birth?

Changing Face of Choice at TTU

Not sure you can be open-minded and “fueled with the rage of a thousand suns” at the same time. Here is an open-minded student viewing the GAP display.

Interesting comments on our website during GAP at Tennessee Tech University (TTU).

Visitor, a 22-yr-old female, said that she was fueled with “the rage of a thousand suns about how closed-minded people can be.”  I wonder how open your mind must be in order to contain that much rage?

When I encounter closed-minded people, they are almost always on the political left.  Why is that?

Anyway, she went on to say that abortion is “a great option for people not ready for birth.”  Au contraire!  When I wasn’t ready for birth, the only safe option for me was to stay right where I was.

Moms: getting children ready for birth for thousands of years.

Abortion Photos at Tennessee Tech University

CBR SuperDuperVolunteer Gary Johnson is a real blessing to everyone he meets


When funding or timing prevents us from taking our huge GAP display, we can still win hearts, change minds, and save lives by invading campus with a few “Choice” signs!  Here we are at Tennessee Tech University (TTU).

This was an excellent target because TTU is another school which allows citizens to reserve space for displays, without requiring a student invitation.

On this day, we identified 5 freshmen willing to form a pro-life club on campus!

At upper-right is CBR SuperDuperVolunteer Gary Johnson, who is in a special category all his own!  He is a real blessing to everywhere he goes.  We just need to take him more places!  That’s where your support comes in.  Link here to send Gary to more places … to bless more students!

Below, Deeper Still and CBR volunteer Debbie Picarello can engage students at a very different level than Gary ever could do.  Link here to help Debbie bring hope and healing to post-abortive women … and  men!

Deeper Still and CBR volunteer Debbie Picarello can engage students at a very different level - 475
