
Posts Tagged ‘Reproductive Choice Campaign’

Liberty, you’re a university … C’mon man!

WDBJ-TV, the CBS affiliate in Roanoke, broadcast a story on our RCC/GAP at Liberty University.  It was very well done, except for their unwillingness to show what the display was all about: abortion.

But you gotta hand it to WDBJ.  They did something we were unable to do.  They got Liberty University to state their official policy toward abortion.  Unfortunately, Liberty is just like the pro-life church; they oppose abortion, but they also cover it up.  Out of sight and out of mind.  Liberty was quoted as saying this:

Liberty has always taken a strong pro-life position on the abortion issue, but it does not encourage the public display of the horrific images of the deaths of aborted babies in order to further the pro-life cause.

In other words, we can talk against abortion, but we won’t show people what it really is, even those who desperately need to know.  But can anybody provide even one example of a deadly social injustice that was ever eradicated by covering it up?

Compare this policy to that of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who brought about dramatic changes in our society, even ending segregation in less than 10 years.  Was he wrong when he said this?:

We bring [injustice] out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with.  Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with an its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.

Dr. King also said, “America will never reject racism until America sees racism.”

Was he wrong?  We’ve been asking that question for many years, and nobody … not one person … has ever stood up to defend the proposition that Dr. King was wrong.   We can name many historical examples that prove that his strategy of exposing injustice works.  People who criticize our our use of King’s stragegy to fight abortion can’t provide even one example to suggest hiding injustice works.

This all reminds me of that regular feature on Monday Night Football …  Liberty, you’re a university.  You’ve got a whole department of history.  C’mon man!