
Posts Tagged ‘Pro Life’

White House Pro-Lifers Need Our Help!

Hardin Family GAP Team

Hardin Family GAP Team

Did you know that White House is home to a family of pro-life missionaries like no other?  Ask yourself this question: Would you do this with 7 of your children?  Read on; it’s even more incredible than you think.

I’m talking about the Hardin Family of White House, Tennessee, just north of Nashville.  Yes, Mom and 7 children (3 teenagers and 4 younger children) are coming to Lynchburg, Virginia, for CBR’s outreach to Liberty University.  (See photo at right.)  They’ll drive 8 hours to get here, just so they can stand out in the hot sun holding GAP signs for members of the Liberty community.

Bright Eyes in the center of the photo is Karine, the newest member of the Hardin family. You may remember our story of her arrival from Armenia earlier this year.  This will be her first GAP!

This will be more Hardin’s than we’ve ever seen at one time! Because of the them and the rest of our traveling team, students at Liberty will see abortion in all its horror.  When Christians see the horror of abortion, they are more likely to obey God’s command not to kill their own children (Mark 10:19).  They are more motivated to protect and defend the defenseless (Proverbs 24:11-12).  They more fully understand their duty as Christian leaders to teach other believers to do the same (Matthew 28:20).

The Hardin’s are willing to come to bring truth in love to Liberty students.  (Others are coming from Florida, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina.)  They offer themselves freely.  All they ask is their expenses.  Could you help us cover their expenses?  Here’s what it will cost to bring the Hardins:

  • Gas: $250 (500 miles in a van big enough for 8!)
  • Lodging: $250
  • Food: $480 (ever try to feed 8 on the road?)

Your tax deductible gift to CBR (link here) will transport the Hardins and the rest of our team to Liberty University next week.  This is one of the most important GAPs we’ve ever done.  Please be as generous as you can, maybe even more so.  Thank you for saving babies and moms.

Does pro-life flash mob in Chicago trivialize a life and death struggle?

You may have seen this story at LifeNews.com about a pro-life flash mob that showed up at a pro-abort march in Chicago.  Check out the video below.

What do you think about this?  Personally, I’m not one for this kind of thing.  When I played football, I never liked pep rallies.  But what did I know; I was just a dumb lineman.

I wonder if pro-life pep rallies and other similar activities just trivialize the struggle between life and death.  But maybe you see something I don’t.  What do you think?

When I consider whether or not to organize or participate in any pro-life activity, I ask myself three questions:

  1. What would Jesus do?
  2. What would Martin Luther King do?
  3. What would Patton do?

What do you think?  Please leave  your comment!
