
Posts Tagged ‘prenatal development’

Uncle Awesome

Patti Shanley speaks with Uncle Awesome.

Patti Shanley speaks with Uncle Awesome.

by Patti Shanley

At UNC Chapel Hill, a really handsome, blond student hung out at the barricade, waiting for a chance to talk.  He studied the sign which illustrates the progression of life in the womb.  He was nodding his head, as he advanced from photo to photo.

He softly asked if I knew anyone who had been through an unplanned pregnancy.  I assured him I did.  With a little hesitation, he opened up and told me his sister, a single teacher, was a few months pregnant.  She considered abortion, but with support and guidance from a crisis pregnancy center, she chose life.  Now the family was rallying around her to welcome their newest member.

He beamed with pride when he spoke of his sister, and pointed to the picture of how his little niece or nephew looks now.  Before he left, he glanced again at our display and said, “Thank you.”

He will be an awesome uncle!

And we say, “Thank you!”  For supporting CBR, for making our work possible.

Patti Shanley is a CBR volunteer who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.

CBR “moron” explains prenatal development at George Mason University

CBR Virginia Project Director Ruby Nicdao speaks with a student at George Mason University

CBR Virginia Project Director Ruby Nicdao speaks with a student at George Mason University.

[This story was submitted by CBR Virginia Project Director Ruby Nicdao.]

As is usual for the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), some were hostile at George Mason University (GMU).  One called me a“moron” after I gave her one of our GAP brochures (How Can You Compare Abortion to Genocide).

I asked, “How am I a moron?”  She said she would come back later and tell me why.  A couple of hours later, she returned with a 2-page list of expenses necessary to raise a child and a number of photos of miscarried babies.  None of it addressed the question of whether it is OK to decapitate and dismember little human beings.  Nor the question of when, during a child’s development, it becomes no longer OK to kill that child.  Nor the question of what criterion should decide who can be killed and who must be protected.

Our discussion centered like most discussions I have with the students:  “Is the fetus in the womb human?  And if so, it is wrong to kill it?”

Hopefully, I planted enough seeds for her to finally see the light!  I also gave her the When Does Human Life Begin? handout, which provides references from medical textbooks, medical professionals, abortion advocates, and even abortionists themselves, all admitting life begins at fertilization.  For example, Dr. Arthur Morris, Jr. was an abortionist who said, “Life begins with fertilization and abortion is legalized destruction of life.” (Asheville Citizen-Times, April 4, 1976.)

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Abortion: Before and After (video)

Video of prenatal development and abortion.  Says it all.

Shows images at 7, 8, 10, 11, and 24 weeks.

The Case Against Abortion: Prenatal Development

New video from Abort73.com.  See astounding images of 1st trimester baby.
