
Posts Tagged ‘Paul Ryan’

Did Presidential candidates seek out CBR trucks?

Presidential Motorcade

Barack Obama’s motorcade passes one of the CBR truth trucks in Madison, Wisconsin.

CBR staged a real coup last week by “truthing” both Presidential candidates, Pres. Obama in Wisconsin and Gov. Romney in Virginia!

In Madison, Wisconsin, Pres. Barack Obama’s motorcade passed within 30 feet of one of our abortion billboard trucks in Madison, Wisconsin (photo at right).  The driver was our super volunteer Jim Davis.  Both before and after Pres. Obama’s rally, thousands of Obama supporters were forced to walk past our enormous GAP display. We immediately seized the opportunity and flanked the corridor with handheld “Choice” signs, which we held aloft on both sides of the walkway leading past the GAP display.  Story here.  They were furious at us for raining on their parade.

At almost the same hour on the same day, another abortion billboard truck, driven by CBR super volunteer Bubba Gene Garrett, was parked along the access route to a campaign rally for Gov. Mitt Romney and Cong. Paul Ryan in Fishersville, VA (photo below).  Thousands of Romney/Ryan supporters passed this truck.  In fact, so did the Romney/Ryan motorcade.  Cong. Ryan had his window open, waving and gaping at the abortion photos on the truck.

Thank you for supporting our work.  Your gifts make it possible to reach our culture with live-saving truth.  Please pray for our nation.  And please keep on giving, because the more you give, the more people we can reach.  People who need to know.

Romney Ryan Rally Route - 475

Thousands of Romney/Ryan supporters, including the candidates themselves, passed by this truck.