
Posts Tagged ‘Paul Rondeau’

Hooking kids on sex, even in kindergarten (video)


Make no mistake about it, Planned Parenthood (PP) is coming after your children.  See video report below, Hooking Kids on Sex II.  (The original version was taken down by YouTube after a complaint by a PP operative.)

Paul Rondeau, Executive Director of the American Life League, authored a report for the Washington Times that described how the sex industry is using your money to promote perverted sex to children as young as kindergarten.


PP is funded with our tax dollars to market sex to our children in our schools under the guise of sex education, anti-bullying, diversity, and tolerance. Once sexualized, those children then become PP sex customers for contraceptives, STD testing, and abortion.

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) activist and kindergarten teacher Jaki Williams has said that during kindergarten children are “developing their superego,” and “that’s when the saturation process needs to begin.”

Read Mr. Rondeau’s full article here.

See ALL video report, Hooking Kids on Sex II: