
Posts Tagged ‘Life Dynamics’

Big Abortion caught helping child rapists … again (video)

We know that Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion routinely help child rapists get away with their crimes, in such a way that the abuse can continue undetected.  We first became aware of this when Life Dynamics reported on the scandal about 10 years ago.

More recently, Live Action has reported video evidence that Planned Parenthood is still more than willing to help child sexual abusers and even sex traffickers commit and continue their crimes.

Big Abortion’s criminal cover-up continues.  Just two recent examples:

  • In Washington (story here and here)
  • In Indiana (story here)

In the video report below, produced earlier this year by Life Dynamics, the following statements jumped out:

 … girls between 10 and 15 years old are now more likely to be impregnated by adult males than they are by boys near their own ages.
Life Dynamics has documented that virtually no mandatory reporting is being done by the clinics that provide these services.  In fact, not only are the people at these facilities almost universally ignoring their states mandatory reporting laws, they often take an active role in circumventing them.

You wonder how this can happen?  It’s not just the profit motive.  And it’s not just your basic extremist ideological commitment to a woman’s “right” to a safe, legal, and rare abortion.  No, it’s even more sinister than that (if that’s even possible).  Some … not all, but some … of the people who populate Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion are wholly committed to the notion that any limitation on sexual behavior is unjust, so long as the act is consented to by both … check that … all parties.  Even pre-teen children should have unlimited discretion to have sex with whomever they choose, including dirty old men.  In their view, anything short of forcible rape is not abuse.

Post-birth abortion by “twisting the head off the neck”

Kermit Gosnell is not an isolated case.  More horror stories are coming to the fore.  World Net Daily reports on video released by Life Dynamics, who interviewed three workers at an abortion clinic in Houston, Texas owned and operated by late-term abortionist Douglas Karpen.  Excerpt:

When the baby survived the abortion procedure, Edge [one of those interviewed] reported, sometimes the  abortionist would plunge a surgical instrument through the soft spot on the  baby’s skull into the brain. Other times it happened by “twisting the head off the neck with his own bare hands.”

A surgical instrument into the torso also was used to end lives, she said.

The World Net Daily report did not reveal the name of the abortion clinic.  That detail was provided in a later release by Operation Rescue.

Intervew (no graphic images):