
Posts Tagged ‘Kentucky Kernel’

We’ll quit comparing abortion to the Holocaust, if …

U of Kentucky student studies the similarity between abortion, the Holocaust, and Slavery.  In each case, the highest court declared the vicims to be non-persons.

U of Kentucky student studies the similarity between abortion, the Holocaust, and Slavery. In each case, the highest court declared the vicims to be non-persons.

I posted this comment on the Kentucky Kernel story on our GAP at the University of Kentucky.  Please go and add your own comments!

For the people who don’t like us to compare abortion to the Holocaust, the answer is simple. This is all you have to do:

  1. Overturn Row v Wade, the Supreme Court decision that declared preborn children as non-persons. (In 1936, the Reichsgericht declared Jews to be non-persons.)
  2. Don’t use dehumanizing words to describe the human beings you advocate killing, e.g., words like products of conception, parasite, potential life, mass of cells, blob of tissue, not a person, etc. (Nazis called their victims rats, pigs, vermin, untermensch, etc.)
  3. Don’t say that abortion makes our society better by getting rid of unwanted children. (Nazis declared that they were making their society better by getting rid of inferior … i.e., unwanted … people.)
  4. Don’t frame your argument in the language of “choice.” (Nazis asserted that the racial makeup of the German nation was an internal matter for the German people to decide; they also emphasized Hitler’s choice, his “Will to Power,” as a Nazi propaganda film put it.)

If the abortion industry and their apologists would quit saying and doing things that remind us so much of the Nazi era, the similarities might become less obvious.

Stay tuned to FAB for more on GAP at the U of Kentucky.  Read the Kentucky Kernel story here.  Please go and add your own comments!