
Posts Tagged ‘intelligent design’

Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Philosopher of science Stephen Meyer, mathematician David Berlinski, and Yale computer scientist David Gelernter.  Dr. Gelernter’s intellectual confession, “Giving Up Darwin,” published in The Claremont Review of Books, has created quite a stir.  A former proponent of Darwinism, he believes it to be a “beautiful” theory, but just not true.

This is a fascinating discussion highlighting a refreshing diversity of views among scholars who are agreed that Darwinism is a failed theory, but have different perspectives on almost every other related question.


The Ham-Nye creation debate: A huge missed opportunity

I didn’t see the debate, but I did see this critique by the good people at the Discovery Institute.  As a trained scientist who knows a little bit about the philosophy of science, the scientific method, etc., bad arguments make me angry.

But when people on my on side of a debate give bad arguments, the apologist in me just goes nuts.  That’s why I very much appreciate the Discovery Institute.  They advance sound science.

Here are three articles that Christian should read:

  1. The Ham-Nye Creation Debate: A Huge Missed Opportunity (by Casey Luskin)
  2. As an Antidote to the Ham-Nye Creation Debate Fiasco, Listen to Stephen Meyer Debate Charles Marshall
  3. In the Ham-Nye Debate, Not So Much as a Glove Was Laid on Intelligent Design

Manufacturing machines … built by accident? (video)

Watch a hemoglobin molecule being manufactured inside a cell … in real time.  As you watch the video, try to convince yourself that this molecular manufacturing assembly line (and millions more just like it) evolved from primordial soup by cosmic accident.  If you don’t see evidence of design, you might be a religious fanatic.  Just sayin’.

This animation comes from the good folks at the Discovery Institute.  See detailed description here.


When the right transfer molecule plugs in, the amino acid it carries is added to the growing protein chain.  Again, you are watching this in real time.  After a few seconds, the assembled protein starts to emerge from the ribosome.

In this case, the end product is hemoglobin.  The cells in our bone marrow churn out 100 trillion molecules it per second.

The Case for a Creator (video)

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created …  (US Declaration of Independence)

The Case for a Creator is an awesome film is about Lee Strobel’s personal journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in God, the God who has etched his indelible signature upon every galaxy and in every living cell.  The film examines scientific evidence in the fields of molecular biology, astronomy, physics, cosmology, paleontology, and genetics to answer this critical question:  Does modern science confirm the theory that life and the universe are the products of blind, materialistic processes?

The DVD is available for purchase now.  Visit www.illustramedia.com for more information. Use Coupon Code YTIM15 to save 15%!

Part 1 of 10: