
Posts Tagged ‘Crosses for the Unborn’

Students for Life on fire at Eastern Kentucky University

An abortion photo (CBR business card photo) on each cross helps people know what abortion is.

An abortion photo (CBR business card photo) on each cross helps people know what abortion is.

The Students for Life at Eastern Kentucky are a shining light on a hill.  Here’s what they are doing:

  1. Week of March 28:  Crosses for the Unborn, including abortion photos on each cross.
  2. Week of April 4:  Genocide Awareness Project, Powell Corner
  3. April 7:  Debate between CBR Director and pro-abortion-choice professor
  4. Week of April 11:  Crosses for the Unborn, including abortion photos on each cross.  Passersby will recall the GAP photos on the very same spot during the previous week.

So what have you done this week?

Here is another photo of the crosses display, along with photo of a piece of the GAP display.  Can you tell they are on the same spot?

This week, Crosses for the Unborn occupy the same spot as a part of the GAP display occupied last week.  The small photos on each cross make the connection even stronger.

This week, Crosses for the Unborn occupy the same spot as a part of the GAP display occupied last week. The small photos on each cross make the connection even stronger.

Crosses for the Unborn … on steroids.

Photos reveals what each cross really means.

Photos reveals what each cross really means.

Check out the Crosses for the Unborn display at Eastern Kentucky University.  Photos on each cross represent what each abortion really is … an act of violence that destroys a  human being.

Without the photo, many passersby will reflexively conclude that each cross means that another woman has made a reproductive choice … no big deal.  By challenging that conclusion, the photo gives the crosses real meaning.

Elijah House of the EKU Students for Life wrote to FAB about the impact of the crosses:

There was a young woman who came up to us while we were setting up yesterday and she stopped and thanked us for what we were doing.  She proceeded to tell us that she had lost two nieces and nephew to abortion. 

There was also a young man who stopped and he wasn’t aware that there was a pro life group on campus.  He had gone to a Right to Life conference recently and was excited to get involved with pro life work on campus.

Unfortunately, last night someone pulled up all the crosses, broke several, and tore off most of the cards.  One of my roommates put the crosses back up.  It’s unfortunate to see how others vandalize First Amendment rights.

Unfortunate, perhaps, but it shows that people are conflicted about abortion.  People still have a functioning conscience.

We’re scheduled to be at Eastern Kentucky with GAP next week!  Please pray for our time on campus, as well as this time of preparation.

Crosses at Eastern Kentucky University feature an abortion photo on each cross.

Crosses at Eastern Kentucky University feature an abortion photo on each cross.