
Posts Tagged ‘BPAS’

UK abortion industry leader debates Gregg Cunningham

CBR UK displays abortion photos outside a BPAS abortion facility

CBR UK displays abortion photos outside a BPAS abortion facility.  (Click to enlarge.)

Excellent debate between Ann Furedi, CEO of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), the UK’s largest private abortion provider, and Gregg Cunningham, Executive Director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR).

They debated the question of whether it is morally wrong to display graphic abortion images outside UK abortion clinics.  Furedi argued that it is immoral for CBR to show her prospective customers what she intends to do to their babies.  Cunningham argued it is immoral to hide the horror from them.

CBR-UK and Christian Concern, an association of Christian attorneys, co-sponsored this debate, and a capacity crowd filled the Emmanuel Center in Westminster, London.

More on this story:

CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham on BBC radio

Gregg Cunningham

Gregg Cunningham

CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham was interviewed on a BBC Radio 4 news broadcast earlier today.  The interviewer was obviously an arrogant, hard-core leftist idealogue.  To hear the interview, click here.

Gregg and CBR UK Director Andy Stephenson had been scheduled to appear on a BBC Radio 5 Live broadcast 2 hours later to debate British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) abortion providers.  Regarding the second interview, Gregg wrote supporters

… they (BPAS) apparently cancelled after listening to our first interview and the BBC pulled the plug on our second appearance.  Cowards.  This is exactly why we must make our case in the public square.  The press and our opponents are determined to suppress our message.  The newspapers write about us only when they can quote the abortion industry telling scurrilous lies about us and the radio broadcasters interview us only until they discover that they can’t embarrass us on the air.