
Mixed nuts at Old Dominion University

He definitely looks like someone who is ready to give an account at the Pearly Gates. …  Just sayin’.

College students say the nuttiest things.

Christian for Choice.  A young “Christian” man held a clever sign that said: “Christian for Choice.”  Have fun explaining that at the pearly gates…

Changing the subject.  A woman shrieked about our omission of the Native American genocide. “Why don’t you have pictures of that genocide!?!?”  Jane calmly directed her to our photo Wounded Knee photo.

Upon receiving exactly what she asked for, she changed the subject, but not her tone.  She came closer and closer to Jane, until they almost touched noses.  Jane, not deterred by a petulant child, did not flinch or step back.

The student continued to shriek about the 100 million Native Americans who should be acknowledged.  “Abortion is NOT genocide like THAT is genocide!”

She got louder and louder until she finally stopped and left.  She never acknowledged that we actually do recognize Native American genocide. Perhaps it never really matter to her in the first place.

Passionately apathetic.  “F*** you people” a young man hissed at GAP staffers.  “And f*** you people too!” he growled at the protesters.  Like Billy Martin in those Miller Lite commercials in the 1970s and 80s, he feels strongly both ways.

Can’t handle the truth.  An ODU events manager sat nearby and fielded complaints from angry students.  Jane suggested that ODU teach a Constitutional law class to freshmen.  The lady replied wearily, “I am seeing that the students don’t know how to deal with opposing opinions in the culture of this campus.”  Ya think?!

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