
Contraception no deterrent to abortion

They always tell us that if we really wanted to stop abortion, we would just hand out condoms.  We know it’s foolish, but now Planned Parenthood’s own report proves it.  According to the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, “54% of women who have abortions had used a constraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant.”  Over half say they used their method inconsistently, and about 13-14% report correct use.

We already knew this, but now we have their own data to prove it.  Next time a pro-abort suggests that I hand out condoms instead of exposing truth, I will simply say, “Most abortion mothers say they used contraception during the month they got pregnant, but they got pregnant anyway.  They had contraceptives in their possession, and they either chose not to use them consistently or the method failed to work.  So how will it help stop abortions for me to give someone another condom if they won’t use the ones they already possess?

The student will scoff at the notion that aborting mothers were using contraceptions, because in their minds, contraceptives are 100% effective.  I will give them more rope by asking, “Are you really sure you want to challenge that?  Do you really want to say that I made it up?”  In a debate, you always want to use the data already reported by your opposition; they have no choice but to accept its authenticity.

Then I”ll whip out a copy of the Guttmacher fact sheet and say, “I ask again, why should I waste my time giving out birth control that people won’t use or won’t work effectively?”

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3 Responses to “Contraception no deterrent to abortion”

  1. March 12th, 2011 at 11:40 am

    Even the Left can see the Planned Parenthood deception says:

    […] I must point out,  however, that some of the statements in the article itself are not without merit.  For example, the statement that 54 percent of women who had abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant came directly from a Planned Parenthood information sheet.  It’s still a sobering number for those who claim that handing out condoms to teenagers will make abortion “rare.”  Yes, the statement is based on data gathered in 2000, but Planned Parenthood is still quoting this number today, so we have no reason to doubt that much has changed.  I referenced this in my previous posting on the relationship between contraception use and abortion. […]

  2. March 12th, 2011 at 11:54 am

    Error found at FAB says:

    […] I must point out,  however, that some of the statements in the article itself are not without merit.  For example, the statement that 54 percent of women who had abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant came directly from a Planned Parenthood information sheet.  It’s still a sobering number for those who claim that handing out condoms to teenagers will make abortion “rare.”  Yes, the statement is based on data gathered in 2000, but Planned Parenthood is still quoting this number today, so we have no reason to doubt that much has changed.  I referenced this in my previous posting on the relationship between contraception use and abortion. […]

  3. December 12th, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    Abortion and the entitlement society: Are they related? says:

    […] contraception so often fails or is simply forgotten (source), recourse to abortion is necessary for having sex without responsibility, so abortion must be a […]

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