
A lively interview on Truth Talk Live

Go to ProLifeOnCampus.com for more information.

Go to ProLifeOnCampus.com for more information.

It was a lively interview, to say the least.  Yesterday, I was interviewed by Stu Epperson on Truth Talk Live, a Christian radio talk show heard nationally.  The thesis of my presentation was that if you are not regularly (annually?) showing aborted-baby photos in your church (in an age-appropriate manner, of course), you are allowing babies to die that could have been saved.  Link to our page on TruthTalkLiveFor the interview itself, link to this page and click on “How Far Should We Go In Fighting For Life.”  You can also link to the Facebook page

One in every five women who aborts her pregnancy identifies herself as a born-again or evangelical Christian. That’s 250,000 abortions every year, just in the evangelical church alone. Add to that the hundreds of thousands of abortions committed on Catholics and other mainline Protestants who wouldn’t identify themselves using that term. Many are having abortions, not because they are evil, but because the truth of abortion has been hidden from them; and their pastors, elders, deacons, etc. are just as guilty of the coverup as Planned Parenthood.

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