
Archive for February, 2010

The Latest on CBR’s Blue Dog Tour

PerrielloOur effort to stop abortion funding in ObamaCare seems to be working! We have been driving our hard-to-miss trucks in the districts of Congressmen whose votes are critical to final passage of ObamaCare. These trucks are fitted with signs (example shown) that invite constituents to call their Congressman and urge him/her to vote against any health care bill that includes funding for abortion. So far, we have gotten commitments from four “Blue Dogs” to vote against any bill that includes abortion funding. They include Rep. Gene Taylor (MS), Rep. Dan Boren (OK), Rep. Steve Driehaus (OH), and Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (PA). All of them have agreed that they will oppose any legislation that departs from the abortion-funding restrictions contained in the Stupak Amendment to the House version of ObamaCare. Here’s one story. Here is our latest press release. If stopping abortion funding is important, please help us drive this point home!

You are currently browsing the Fletcher's Blog blog archives for February, 2010.